Monday 25 November 2013

What we can learn from Joey Essex

What we can learn from Joey Essex

@Swot's twitter feed went mad last night with comments about Joey Essex. It started me thinking about his problems with telling the time and actually what an clever student he was. 

Be honest about what you don't know

One of the things that is capturing a lot of people's hearts about him is his honesty. We can all learn from this. Everyone has not asked a question in class for fear of looking stupid. So be honest with what you don't know. Actually it can result in people respecting/ liking you more. 

Don't be afraid to get it wrong

He tries and tries and tries. He doesn't care if he doesn't get it right. He just keeps going until he succeeds. Learn from this.

 Trust the right people

So if you needed someone to explain something to you, would you choose Miss Universe? Probably not, but the reason this was an inspired choice is because he chose someone who treated him with respect. Who knew that he just needed help. Amy did not embarrass him. She taught him in an non-threatening manner. She protected him from others who were overloading him with information.  She also recognised the need that it would need to be reinforced. Not such a bad selection then Joey. 

Happy with his achievements

It is clear in the clip that he is ecstatic in his achievements. Every student I meet always spends to much time kicking themselves for what they don't know. Celebrate what you do know. If you struggled to learn something, focus not on the struggle, but that you got in the end!

So I encourage you all, learn from Joey Essex ;)